- Title:
- Mollusk Gear Solid
- Status:
- Complete
- Roles:
- Physics Programmer and Producer
- Description:
Swim around as an octopus in a vast underwater environment. Eat krill, plankton and small fish to score points. But watch out! Sharks and other predators are lurking about to eat you. Camouflage like a chameleon with your surroundings to evade their attacks.
For this game I helped manage and direct a team of four other individuals who completed a game for the 48-hour IGDA 2010 Global Game Jam. I also implemented simple ragdoll physics using Lua and Box2D to give the octopus's tentacles more fluid motion as it swims through the ocean.
Articles and Papers
- Title:
- Beamforming Adaptive Arrays with Graphics Processing Units
- Type:
- Undergraduate Thesis
- Download:
- PDF (374 KB)
- Description:
For my undergraduate research project, I looked into boosting the performance of my lab's sonar processing system by programming Nvidia Geforce 8800 GTX GPUs using CUDA to perform adaptive beamforming (ABF). ABF is used to determine where incoming signals are coming from and is by far the most dominant and most computationally-intensive stage in the processing pipeline. Setbacks and time constraints forced me to take an approach that differed than what I originally wanted, but I was able to complete my project and report my findings. In the end I received less than ideal results, primarily due to being forced to constantly transfer data back and forth across the PCI-Express bus.
- Title:
- Beamforming Adaptive Acoustic Arrays with Graphics Processing Units
- Type:
- Research Poster
- Download:
- PDF (3.2 MB)
- Description:
This is the poster I presented at UT's Undergraduate Research Forum over the GPGPU project I conducted for my undergraduate thesis.